Discover Glitternisti’s magical Face Flowers, unique facial decorations made from real, carefully selected, and hand-pressed flowers that bring natural beauty straight to your face!

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Each face Flowers Set, featuring pink, lilac, and white flowers, offers a unique blend of nature’s magic and vibrant colors, making every makeup look individual and special. Whether for a festival, special occasion, or just to add a touch of nature’s brilliance to everyday life, Face Flowers are the perfect choice, enhancing your beauty while conveying respect and love for nature.

The instructions are straightforward and clear, making the use of the flowers effortless. They can be applied to the skin with vaseline or another waterless, thicker fat, or, for smaller and sturdier flowers, with skin-friendly glue. The included instructions will assist you in creating the perfect look, taking into account the different areas of the face and their movement.

Face Flowers are not just a beautiful addition to your makeup; they represent a sustainable and ethical choice. Grown without chemicals, each flower is hand-picked and pressed, ensuring high quality and eco-friendliness. Combining them with Glitternisti’s glitters and face diamonds creates a sparkling, unforgettable look that reflects your personality and creativity.



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